Sunday 8 February 2009

In Recession

In Recession

Cash in on the boom, it will last forever
If there was ever a moment, it was now or never

Amongst my pals only I didn’t have a demat
They discussed derivatives and I felt like an idiot

Markets soared high and fortunes were made
Only people not there were me and the dead

Banks got crazy disbursing easy credit
To every other Johnny without any merit

Then it all came down with a very heavy thud
Debt turned toxic and assets turned dud

Blood on the bourses, accounts blood red
Freddie down, Fannie down, people lost sleep over bankers and bread

Pundits without face, people without trust
Waited with bated breath for next one to bust

Old jobs lost, new dried up, stocks looked bleak
Punters and scamsters discovered fake peak

Honchos strategized wait and watch and just sit tight
Experts opined, let’s return to the commanding height

All hell broke when politicos became bright
Turning left, turning right, and stoking ideological fight

Crony capitalism and stingy socialism
All empty rhetoric, all pithy aphorism

Monetary or fiscal, bailout or stimulus
Tax payers or investors, we are missing the bus

Chaos reigns supreme, no one knows the bottom
Time for reality check, time for post-mortem

Greed and Governance; or its lack thereof
Built on the rickety system of Midas and Maydoff

Destroying for ever through speculation and oil
Time tested traditions of trade and toil

It feeds on fear, bats for rich and excludes the poor
Change it, challenge it and build a brand new order

Monday 2 February 2009

Weakness Within

All the usual suspects are lined up
Greed, Envy, Anger, Arrogance and Desire
Myriad pains of our modern living
They come out of noble pursuits
Very thin line separating
Ambition, Competition, Assertiveness, Attitude and Drive
Magic potions of our modern living
So watch out, vaccine ill-conditioned may well stimulate the virus

Supermarket shelves are bursting with fat free and zero cholesterol condiments
Hardware of heart should work fine with a little work out, no loose connections, and no faulty components
Software is under siege from bugs, viruses and hostile packets
Fixes and patches do not work and neither do security jackets

The inner sanctum is the real theatre of war
A fierce battle is raging, sometimes overt, sometimes covert, unleashing moral mayhem and pious passion
Good vs. Evil, Right Vs Wrong, Grey Vs Grey
At loggerheads, eyeball to eyeball, engaged in a war of attrition

‘Self’ torn as unarmed civilians caught in the crossfire
Longing for hope and languishing in fear
Alternating in opinion from one end to another
Inner revolution is just round the corner
But beware the rebel may turn into a robber
Win him over, unify, and consolidate
And get ready for the battle elsewhere

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